Is Color Holding You Back from Wearing Your Clothes?

Do you have a piece of clothing you struggle to wear because of its color?

When I do a Color Analysis, I often ask my clients to bring in an item they don’t wear much because of the color. And guess what? About 95% of the time, the color doesn’t suit them. Sometimes it’s too bright, too soft, too cool, or too warm. My clients usually already know deep down that something’s off with the color—it doesn’t feel right when they wear it.

For the remaining 5%, the struggle isn’t just about color—it’s a question of style or fit. They’re confused, wondering whether it’s the color, the cut, or something else entirely that’s throwing them off.

The truth is that color is the most significant factor in how we feel about our clothes. It has the power to make or break an outfit. That’s why, when you walk into a store and see a brand-new collection, it’s easy to think, “Wow, this color is stunning!” or “I don’t have anything in this color!” But be careful—this can lead to impulsive purchases of clothes you might never wear.

Knowing your personal colors can make all the difference. When you understand what works for you, shopping becomes intentional, and you only buy pieces that complement your wardrobe and make you feel great.

Are you interested in learning more about Color Analysis? Check out my previous posts or reach out—I’d love to help you discover your best colors!

Hi, I’m Marcia Crivorot, a Personal Stylist based in NY. I send newsletters with style tips, brands to know, and products twice a month. Unlock previous editions of my newsletters and receive my emails firsthand by subscribing.

Disclosure: Remember that I link products and companies based on their quality, my personal opinion, my experience, and my professional expertise. Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links, and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you buy something is entirely up to you.


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