+ Do I need a personal stylist?
If you have a full closet and always say “I don’t have anything to wear”, maybe it’s time for a stylist.
+ I don’t want to buy more clothes
The personal stylist service is not about shopping. The idea is to show you how to take advantage of what you already have in order to enhance your natural style, complexion and body type.
+ I aM not a celebrity or a fashion blogger. Do I really need help with my closet?
Yes! Being well dressed is not a privilege of celebrities or “rich" people”. Everyone deserves to feel their best within their lifestyle, budget and body type. You will feel more confident to wear what you like, will learn to make better choices while shopping, will take advantage of what you already own and will learn a lot about yourself.
+ Is it expensive?
No. Just think about all those clothes you already have and are not being used. Or the occasions you are invited to and decline because you think you don’t have the right attire. All my customers feel they in reality started saving money after consulting with me - by making mindful choices not only on clothing, but also on make up and accessories, and the way they care for everything they have.
+ I need help with my wardrobe, but I don't really care about fashion, and I hate shopping. Can you help me?
My client in general is not a fashionista at all. She wants to feel confident, appropriate, and to have a wardrobe that fits her style. She has other things to worry about than Fashion. My job is to make her life easier and less stressful every time she gets dressed.
+ I am on a budget and I need to upgrade my wardrobe because of my job. Do personal stylists advise us to buy only in expensive and fancy stores?
Not at all. I work with real women with real budgets, which means I look for the best options considering their budget. And I always start with their existing wardrobe, in my experience we always find pieces that can be optimized.
+ I have a 10 months old baby and I am currently working part time from home. I don't fit well in my old clothes and I am wearing mostly sweatpants and t-shirts. Can you help me find some clothes that I could feel comfortable at home, eventually meet a client or go on a date with my husband?
First I would suggest a discussion about your personal style and your requirements for your new lifestyle. Then, we will find out which clothes in your wardrobe could attend to your needs now. Afterward, I would suggest some versatile pieces including accessories to be purchased. We could do it in person or online, whatever is easier for a working mom.
+ I used to work for a big corporation, with a formal dress code. I got a new job at a startup where everyone is much younger than me and dress very casually. Can you help me to do this transition?
Yes, I have assisted many clients with similar stories! After understanding your personal style and how you want to be perceived in your new job, I would take a look at your existing wardrobe - I am sure you have pieces that could be updated for the new dress code. I would also give advice about colors - it is a great way to bring a different touch to your outfit. Maybe it's a chance to try a new haircut or a different pair of eyeglasses. All of these are part of your image and would be discussed during our sessions.