How to wear white to the office (and everywhere) in the Summer

If you're like me, you're probably eager and craving to wear white as soon as warmer weather hits.

But how can you style white in a fresh, modern way this summer?

Here’s a simple tip: pair white with muted tones instead of vibrant ones.

For example, try white pants with a light green shirt instead of the traditional fuchsia top. This subtle pairing feels fresh and sophisticated.

However, if you love your vibrant summer fuchsia top, consider matching it with jeans, gray, olive green, or navy pants. You could even use light pink to create a chic monochromatic look.

Struggling with color combinations? During my color analysis sessions, I provide personalized suggestions to help you mix and match colors effortlessly, expanding your wardrobe options. Want to learn more? Click here to discover how I can help.

Hi, I’m Marcia Crivorot, a Personal Stylist based in NY. I send newsletters with style tips, brands to know, and products twice a month. Unlock previous editions of my newsletters and receive my emails firsthand by subscribing.

Disclosure: Remember that I link products and companies based on their quality, my personal opinion, my experience, and my professional expertise. Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links, and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you buy something is entirely up to you.


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