A memorable moment in my stylist career

I was invited to be a guest speaker at an Image Consulting conference in Brazil in November. It was an incredible experience to talk to 350 people, many of whom were my former students. Additionally, I met many colleagues that I only knew virtually.

My lecture was about "How to research trends when traveling." Image Consultants, or stylists, as we are called in this country, are constantly researching clothes, brands, and stores to help our clients. However, we need to have a broader knowledge, for example, about art, architecture, and fashion history, and understand the zeitgeist of the moment. It creates a repertoire that helps us to be able to translate fashion and trends, including new dress codes, to our clients and to create content.

I was also on a panel about "Use of Technology by Stylists." This topic is so relevant to our work and communication with our clients.

At the end of the conference, I was honored by the conference's organizers, a continuing education school where I have been a teacher of the Image Consulting certification program for more than six years. I was pleased to be recognized by the Image Consulting community in Brazil. 

I shared this memorable moment on my Instagram account. Check it out - and don't forget to follow me there for tips, fashion inspiration, and more!

Hi, I’m Marcia Crivorot, a Personal Stylist based in NY. I send newsletters with style tips, brands to know, and products twice a month. Unlock previous editions of my newsletters and receive my emails firsthand by subscribing.

Disclosure: Remember that I link products and companies based on their quality, my personal opinion, my experience, and my professional expertise. Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links, and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you buy something is entirely up to you.


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